The installation does vary between the operation system. Choose the option which does suite you best.
Make sure you do have the dotnet 7 runtime installed on your system.
To download the application go to the download section of the repository.
Choose the correct file for you case, for more information check the chapters below.
There are two scenarios how you could install the application on your Windows PC. You could use the zip folder containing the files or the installation wizard.
Installer (Easy)
If you decide to get the installer which is named like ModularToolManager_Windows_Installer_x.x.x._x64.exe
just download the file and execute it on your machine. Since the app is not used that often you properly could get a warning from windows that this is not a trusted app.
Follow the steps to install the application. This approach does allow for a simple uninstall later on.
If you want to get the files as a zip download the
. Unzip the content of the file somewhere on your machine. If you want to test the app just do this in the download folder. If you want to keep it you should consider to use a more suitable place like c:\program files
. Unzip the files inside of an empty folder and start the ModularToolManager.exe
To update the application just clear the folder and replace the content with the new iteration.
If you want to get the files as a zip download the
. Unzip the content of the file somewhere on your machine. You should unzip this inside of a new empty folder. Make the ModularToolManager
binary executable by running sudo chmod +x ./ModularToolManager
. Start the tool by running the binary ModularToolManager
User Manual
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